Asteria Wellbeing & Khaos Barbering

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B12 Clinic 12th december

Vitamin B12 is a water soluble vitamin important for the maintenance of the nervous system and the formation of red blood cells. Produced by healthy bacteria is it naturally found in soil. Foods such as meat, fish, and dairy contain B12 because those corresponding animals consume small amounts of soil when eating grass/feed. However, industrial agriculture and overfarming has depleted natural levels of B12 in the soil and as a result we have to look for alternative means to absorb a healthy amount of B12 into our bodies. 

And this is where injections come into play. We can now offer B12 injections at the salon with Abbi which are bookable online under the Health and Wellness category. 

Some of the ways introducing more B12 into your body include:

  • Reducing fatigue

  • Helping to reduce depression

  • Improved brain function

  • Protection against heart disease

  • Healthier hair, nails, and skin

  • Reducing the severity of allergies

For more information on B12 and to book an appointment contact us on 01728 687404 or